This piece was the steamer trunk before there were steamers. Many affluent Southerners would fill these chests up with their prized possessions, lock the drawers and take them to the closest port where they would sail to New England to spend the summers. Price for this two part class is $850 per 3 day weekend with lunch included. We will provide a cut list so you can bring your own desired materials. Fri 8-430 Sat 9-4 Sun 9-3
This class will be a two part class. With winter here we wanted to give you something to keep you busy besides shoveling snow. You will learn and execute the traditional methods to produce this exceptional piece. A truly unrepresented form.
During the first three days we show you case construction along with how to make and attach a bracket foot. These three days will help you with countless construction methods for many of your future pieces.
With over 100 years of operating a family business in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia we have many family secrets to further your construction joinery skills. Part 1 will end with only a few steps needed before returning later in February, 2020
You will learn the ends and outs of drawer construction. The drawers for this piece are from the Federal period with cock beading. Although the same drawer construction methods are used through many different period. Only exceptional pieces use this joinery today.
Drawer embellishments are a statement! How do you want to complete a drawer? Cock beading is a Federal method of protecting a veneered drawer front which became the fashion of the day. We will also cover many different drawer embellishments. The class might be worth this alone.
We will send you home with all the construction methods needed to complete this piece at home.